


Register and Vote to enter Prize Draw

The information you enter is used solely for statistical purposes and to verify your vote(s). Your personally identifiable information WILL NOT be shared with any third parties and will be deleted from our records within 18 months of your registration.

Complete the form below and reward the companies you feel deserve recognition. Vote in as few or as many categories as you wish, but only vote for the companies you have recently used or interacted with. If your preferred company is not listed type their name in the category’s alternative answer box.

Once you have registered click the SUBMIT button to open the voting form. Cast your votes, then click the SUBMIT VOTES button at the bottom of the form. Your votes and prize draw entry will be recorded.

Register(Required field*)

If you are not a UK resident or do not have a UK postcode uncheck the “I have a UK postcode” box and alternative address fields will be displayed.

The British Travel Awards reflect the opinions of consumers who purchase holidays and travel services from companies operating in the UK leisure travel market.

Read how we use your information

Once you submit your votes an auto-response email will be sent to your registered email address with your unique password. You will need to enter this password should you wish to log-in and amend/update your votes later. Please check your spam folder if our email is not delivered to your inbox.

The information you provide is used solely for verification, to conduct research and provide anonymous reporting such as statistical analysis of the results.

We DO NOT share your information with any third parties so there is no opt-in/opt-out check box giving permission to receive information from third party companies. By voting you agree to receive no more than five emails per year from us related to the awards.

Your registration will not be recorded if you leave this page without clicking the Submit button.

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